I've been in hell. Last week I got stomach flu, and then suffered an acute medical reaction, which sent me to the hospital. I would prefer not to discuss it on this blog, however. Let's just say it was frightening, and I am happy I can still talk normally.
What should I post? Well, I have rekindled an interest in Dutch/Canadian animator/filmmaker Paul Driessen. One of my favorite independents, I hope to meet Mr. Driessen someday. He has a wonderful talent in telling very complex ideas in such a simple yet whimsical style. His animation style is very unique and unlike anything else. He accomplishes things I hope to accomplish. Using a very charming and whimsical style to tell stories and ideas that are unique and unusual. Here are two of his films.
The Killing of the Egg
The Boy Who Say The Iceberg
I have lost time and resumed working on my film, Parasite's Delight (as it is still called). I hope to have a couple of finished shots up here in a couple weeks. I worry about my schedule, but Andy London assures me that I have nothing to fear. And seeing how Andy handles these things, I should believe him.
Still I am desperate to do some non-thesis drawing. This was all I can muster up.
Hope to write again next week. Hopefully.
Hey, Emmett, I edited your stuff for you and Fran helped too. I tried to email it to you but it didn't work because it was too big a file for your inbox. I'll put it on yousendit or something tonight if you want. We cut it down about a minute.
I fyou can make it to Hisoshima in August, you'll have the chance to meet Paul Driessen. He'll be the official head of that Festival. Though it is an expensive trip to Japan.
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